Master Award 2024

World Report Award | Documenting Humanity
Master Award 2024 Shortlist

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On the morning of the 5th anniversary of the 2010 earthquake, a group of local Port-Au-Prince residents in a chuch on the outskirts of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.

Giles Clarke

United Kingdom

Haiti in Turmoil



Francesco Comello


Oshevensk, ai confini del tempo

19 July 2023. Nabwigulu, Kamuli District, Uganda. Perez Mbwase cuddles into his mother Lovinsa Namwebya's bosom after being admonished for misbehaving. 
Due to his Autism, hunger is a trigger for Perez' mood to swing towards aggression. After walking for over two hours so Lovinsa could inspect a potential plot of land to plant vegetables Perez didn't eat, causing him to act out. Namwe tried for years to have her son’s condition diagnosed. Unable to deal with his aggression and hyperactivity, his parents tied him to a tree for 11 years. He was fed and toileted in the same place until late evening when he would join the family inside. Following the death of his father from suicide, Lovinsa struggled to care for Perez alone and he was moved to the Amaanyi Centre. While there he was formally diagnosed with severe, category four, Autism. During his time at the Amaanyi Centre Perez would learn basic skills such as dressing himself and eating with cutlery. Almost as importantly, the staff would educate Lovinsa around Autism. She would be taught what Autism is, how it manifests in Perez and what his triggers are. This education would lead to a tighter bond between mother and son and provide Lovinsa with the tools she needed to properly care for her son.

Christopher Hopkins


They Teach Us to Sing but There Are no Songs About Us



Jana Mai


Because I’ve Always Been James


Between the years 1980 and 2000, Peru went through one of the most violent periods of its history. The terrorist group Sendero Luminoso waged war on the Peruvian estate, resulting in 60 000 dead and 15 000 missing people, mainly in the poor and excluded rural Andean region. Open Mourning is a way to approach, explain and divulge the painful process of families that, after more than 30 years, are able to bury their dead relatives and have closure.

Part of this project has been made thanks to the Magnum Foundation Emergency Fund.

Musuk Nolte


The Language of Bones


Lars floats a SUP through the flood the morning after the storm surge in Flensburg, Germany on October 21, 2023. Water levels in Flensburg rose to their highest level in over 100 years. The damage to the Baltic Sea coast is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions.

Ingmar Björn Nolting


An Anthology of Changing Climate


Caribou just outside the Nunamiut community of Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska in April of 2021. “Anaktuvuk” means “the place of many caribou droppings” and Anaktuvuk Pass is located right along the traditional migration routes for the Western Arctic and Teshekpuk caribou herds in the heart of Alaska’s Brooks Range (within the boundaries of what later became Gates of the Arctic National Park.) It is the home of the inland Inupiat people known as the Nunamiut, who have depended on caribou not only as their main staple food source, but also culturally and spiritually, for millennia. The community was only founded in 1957 when the Bureau of Indian Affairs forced the Nunamiut to settle into a single village site. Before that they were nomadic with their homes and way of life revolving around the caribou migration.

Katie Orlinsky

United States

Vanishing Caribou


[Syuldyukar, Iakoutie, Russie]
Suite ˆ la rupture des barrages du producteur de diamants Alrosa en aožt 2018, des eaux polluŽes ont coulŽ dans les rivires Irelyakh, Malaya Botuobiya et Vilyui, dŽpassant de 20 fois la concentration autorisŽe de Ç matires en suspension È. Depuis, certaines espces rares de poisson, comme le ta•men, ont presque disparues. Ë Syuldyukar, ce n'est que 3 ans plus tard que le gouvernement a mis en place des installations de traitement de l'eau, mais les habitants trouvent que cette eau est trop stŽrile et n'a Ç aucun gožt, ni ŽlŽments bŽnŽfiques pour la santŽ È. L'eau aux abords de Syuldyukar n'a jamais retrouvŽ sa transparence.

Natalya Saprunova


The Evenki People: Custodians of the Resources of Yakutia


29 years old theater actress Samaneh is one of the prisoned persons in Tabriz, Iran on February 03, 2023. She have been arrested in Nov. 13, 2022, because of her story in IG for removing her scarf to support the “woman, life, freedom” movement. She was one of the arrested whose name was hashtagged in social networks a lot. She was sentenced to pay lot of money and banned from leaving the country for 10 years.

Farshid Tighehsaz


Labyrinth: Whispers from Iranian Dystopia


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Laetitia Vançon


The Other Battlefields
