OPEN CALL FOR THE NONPROFIT WORLD 2022: SELECTED NGOGiovanni Diffidenti for The Italian Parkinson Confederation
TALKING EXHIBITStories of Resistance to Parkinson’s Disease

In 2020, Parkinson Italia promoted a collective campaign on the Parkinson’s disease, name Don’t call me disease. The campaign aimed at promoting health focusing on the Parkinson’s disease as the “protagonist” as well as an opportunity to concretely share a different perception of the disease, another way of dealing with it on a daily basis and a different, more effective and sustainable vision of welfare.

The goal of the project is telling stories of people who have given their own personal response to the traumatic call of “Mr. Parkinson” and have developed their own resilience strategy that they have applied in their daily lives.

The project aims at sharing ordinary and extraordinary experiences to show how one can live with Parkinson’s disease. The objective is raising awareness, fighting the stigma, isolation and distance from productive, socially active and generative life, defending the right to a long and healthy life and helping people to understand Parkinson’s disease, still unknown to many today. And again, to clear the field of misunderstandings – right from the title – because when it comes to Parkinson’s disease there is nothing contagious.

Photo copyright: © Giovanni Diffidenti for The Italian Parkinson Confederation.

The Parkinson Italian Confederation Network currently includes thirty independent volunteering associations present throughout the country, involving more than ten people affected by Parkinson’s disease, family members and caregivers.

Parkinson Italia’s mission is to protect and guide people affected by Parkinson’s disease, their families and healthcare professionals and to pursue the best quality of life by supporting the work of Confederate associations providing information, resources and services. Parkinson Italia promotes the growth and development of the national network of the association of people affected by Parkinson’s disease, also supporting the creation of new organizations to ensure a solid and generative social network that integrates people with disabilities.


Giovanni Diffidenti became a professional photographer in 1983 in London: his photos were published by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Al Jazeera, Internazionale, Io Donna, Panorama, Famiglia Cristiana. For the Corriere della Sera / Bergamo edition he is the curator of the Il Fotoeditoriale. He has received assignments from the United Nations agencies, such as UNICEF, UNDP, UNMAS, WHO, UNHCR and from many humanitarian organizations such as CESVI, Concern Worldwide, Save the Children USA, Halo Trust, Oxfam UK, Norwegian People’s Aid, Mission Bambini, to name but a few. He has collaborated with agencies such as Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, Reuters and Contrasto. He has traveled and lived in different parts of the world: Asia, Africa, the Balkans, Latin America and the U.S.A. His work on landmine survivors currently count 17 countries so far and has been exhibited in different parts of the world collaborating with the International Campaign to Ban Landmine (ICBL). He has published 14 books, the last two of which dedicated to Parkinson’s disease (2019-2022) published by Contrasto: “Non Chiamatemi Morbo! Mr Parkinson si racconta”and “nonchiamatemi morbo— storie di resistenza al Parkinson -un libro che parla”.


Lodi, Museo Paolo Gorini – Via A. Bassi, 3


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