“Dead Sea” is a project that investigates the causes driving the extinction of the loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta). These animals are sensitive to human activity, anthropization of the coast, illumination in reproduction areas, concreting, pollution, tourism and the impact of systems of fishing, all of which represent the main threat to this species. Every year it is estimated that 150,000 sea turtles are caught in fishing equipment in the Mediterranean and 40,000 of these die.


The non-profit Centro Studi Cetacei was created in 1985 and it represents the first Italian network of intervention for mammals and marine reptiles and one of the first at the European level. Centro Studi Cetacei has been working on protecting mammals and marine reptiles for more than 30 years thanks to its network of professionals (veterinarians, biologists and marine biologists) who work as volunteers on multiple research activities, data collection, disclosure, raising awareness and intervening through activities in the field related to the mass strandings of animals, dead and alive. Many publications show this phenomenon together with the geo-referenced database Geocetus, a unique tool in its genre, useful for sharing information about the mass strandings with the public and the scientific world.

The rescue of live animals found ashore restores life to hundreds of turtles and whales in a difficult situation; while the operations surrounding deceased animals provide important information on the health of wild animals and on the marine environment, at the same time they enrich the heritage of Italian museums with precious artifacts.

Centro Studi Cetacei has been managing the Centre for the Recovery of Marine Turtles for more than 15 years and the Centre for Rehabilitation of Marine Turtles “Luigi Cagnolaro” of Pescara for more than two years, where around 50 turtles pass through every year, recovered after an accidental capture or stranding. The Centre for the Recovery of Marine Turtles is a destination for thousands of visitors every year, and schools in particular. It is also a headquarters for training and educational activities intended for  the greater public and professionals in the industry.


Carlo Lombardi was born in Pescara in 1988. He is a freelance photographer who does long-term independent projects using a contemporary photographic language. His method is based on an in-depth period of study, research and classification of all elements essential to defining a story. His interest is focused on the complex relationship existing between man and environment and on the exploration of their fragility.

In 2015 he completed “Out of Sight” a photo project he came up with after meeting Jörg e Cam and the desire to recount their intimate relationship. In 2016, he began working on “Dead Sea,” an investigation into the causes driving the extinction of the loggerhead sea turtles (Carretta carretta) in the Mediterranean.


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