World.Report Award 2021CATEGORIES

The projects submitted must be in the field of social photojournalism and documentary reportage: the stories of men and women, the events of society and the changes of humanity. Reportages can either be in color or black & white, and will have to form a focused and meaningful story. The jury’s assessment is based on the photographer’s ability to build a narrative and emotional story through a series of compelling images.

The World.Report Award 2021 is divided into four categories:

    • Reportage (Master, Spotlight, Future Generations)
    • Student
    • Short Story
    • Single Shot
Reportage (Master Award)

This section is open to all photographers, with no restrictions of any kind.
Reportages must consist of 20 images minimum and 30 images maximum.

1° classified

    • 3,000 Euros, before taxes;
    • FUJIFILM X-Pro3 mirrorless camera with XF23f1.4mm lens;
    • Printing of the exhibit;
    • The organization will cover travel and accommodation expensesto travel to Lodi, Italy in the month of October to present the project.

2° and 3°classified

  • 1,000 Euros, before taxes.

The awarded photographers of the Master Section will be required to gather with the finalists of the Spotlight section in an in-depth 3 hour online session. This program called “The Spotlight photographers meet the Masters” is aimed to encourage cultural exchange and dialogue among photographers, sharing experiences and competencies.

Reportage (Spot Light Award)

This section is open to all photographers who have never received one of the following awards before April 1st, 2021: World Press Photo, W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography, Pulitzer Prize, POYi Picture of the Year and World.Report Award, with exception of the multimedia category. Mentions are not considered as awards, so it will still be possible to participate in the section.

Reportages must consist of 20 images minimum and 30 images maximum.

1° classified

    • 2,000 Euros, before taxes;
    • Printing of the exhibit;
    • Online lecture “The Spotlight photographers meet the Masters”
    • The organization will cover travel and accommodation expenses to travel to Lodi, Italy in the month of October to present the project.

From the 2°classified to the 15° classified

      • Online lecture “The Spotlight photographers meet the Masters”

Exclusive online meetings dedicated to the first 15 classified photographers of this section. The first 3 classified photographers of the Master Award section are going to gather with the finalists of the Spotlight section in an in-depth 3 hour session. The meeting will be structured in a way that encourages cultural exchange and dialogue among photographers, sharing experiences and competencies in a very high level international context.
The creation of a professional network of excellence has always been the spirit that inspired our projects with the aim to enrich the photography community.

Reportage (Future Generations Award)

This category is open to all photographers with no restrictions of any kind.

Reportages must consist of 20 images minimum and 30 images maximum.

1° classified

    • 2,000 Euros, before taxes;
    • Printing of the exhibit;
    • The organization will cover travel and accommodation expenses to travel to Lodi, Italy in the month of October to present the project.

We ask photographers to tell us about the world of childhood and adolescence in all its aspects: the unsolved problems, the feeling of abandonment, the joys, the lightheartedness and the loss of innocence that being children and young teenagers implies. The difficulties, the inequalities, the isolation, and finally, the pandemic.The energy of an entire generation that represents our future and the world that surrounds it and through which it must face both struggles and dreams. A great planetary tale that gives voice to those who are becoming the very future of the planet.The images can be taken anywhere in the world, with no time limit as regards the realization of the reportage. 

Student Award

This category is open to students currently enrolled in a school of photography or who graduated from a school of photography after January 1st, 2020.

Reportages must consist of 20 images minimum and 30 images maximum..

1° classified

    • FUJIFILM X-T4 mirrorless camera with a XF18-55mm lens
    • Printing of the exhibit;
    • The organization will cover travel and accommodation expensesto travel to Lodi, Italy in the month of October to present the project.
Short Story Award

This category is open to all photographers, with no restrictions of any kind.

Reportages must consist of 5 images minimum and 10 images maximum.

1° classified

    • 1,500 Euros, before taxes;
    • Printing of the exhibit;
    • The organization will cover travel and accommodation expensesto travel to Lodi, Italy in the month of October to present the project.
Single Shot Award

In a single shot, we are looking for a positive message of hope and progress.

We are looking for the world’s beauty, justice and solidarity, sustainability and respect for the environment, scientific research and technological progress.

A collection of images that create a story which convey those principles that every single human being, and community consider essential for the future of the next generations. Thirty glances from thirty photographers.

In a complex and difficult situation like the one we are experiencing, we would like to find photographs that represent a source of inspiration for a better planet.

This category is open to all photographers with no restrictions of any kind.

1° classified

    • 500 Euros, before taxes;
    • The organization will cover travel and accommodation expenses to travel to Lodi, Italy in the month of October to present the project.

The top 30 finalists of this section will have their photos exhibited during the 2021 edition of the Festival.


The jury of the World.Report Award 2021 is composed of:
Svetlana Bachevanova
–  Co-Founder and Executive Director of the FotoEvidence Foundation,
Lauren SteelEditor, Visual consultant and member of the Visual Thinking Collective,
Gary Knight photographer and co-founder of the VII Photo Agency, the VII Foundation and the VII Academy,
Alberto Prina –  Festival of Ethical Photography,
Aldo MendichiFestival of Ethical Photography.

Meet the jurors for the 2021 annual edition of the WRA at the LINK

If the jury, at its own discretion, believes that some works, other than the ones selected for each category, are of honorable mention, it will propose to the organization of the Festival to have them included in the official program of the Festival 2021.  The jury will first ask the photographer.

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