World Report Award 2020
You can participate by uploading your work in the sections as shown here below, and by filling in the necessary documentation as requested in the form you can find at the following link: https://www.festivaldellafotografiaetica.it/submit-world-report-award/
The forms to fulfill are different, according to the categories.
It is possible to repeat the procedure according to the number of works you’d like to submit.
All the pictures must be sent by uploading your work in a .zip, .rar or .7z file (one file only) and by filling in the necessary documentation as requested in the form you can find at the submission link.
The compressed archive in .zip, rar or .7z and the text file in .doc, or .pdf, must be named with the title of the project and a consecutive two digit number. (e.g.amazon_01, amazon_02…).
The maximum dimension for the images and the text cannot exceed 25MB. Heavier archives or archives in a different format will not be uploaded by the system.
If a photographer would like to submit more than one reportage to the same category, it is not possible to submit it using the same form. Separated uploads must be made as well as separate payments. If you’d like to participate to categories that require a different editing (Master Award, Spot Light Award, Mother Earth Award and Student Award require 20 to 40 pictures, while Short Story Award requires 5 to 10 pictures), you’ll be asked to upload a different archive for each editing.
We do not accept submissions sent via e-mail, Dropbox, WeTransfer or any other way.
The images in digital format should be saved as .jpg, sized to shortest dimension at no more than 1,280 pixels and 72dpi with a compression degree of 10/12 or 90/100. The recommended dimension is max 500 kb per picture. The image files must be named with the title of the project and a consecutive two digit number. (e.g.amazon_01, amazon_02…).
The zip file does not have to contain the text presenting the project. It must be sent in a .doc or .pdf format and included in the reference field in the form.
A text file in .doc, or .pdf that includes the presentation of the project with a maximum length of 3,000 characters (including spaces), the title of the project, the place and the period of time in which the project was made. Also to be included are the indications on how to read the project.
The document must include captions, with a maximum length of 300 characters for each picture. The captions must be numbered in the same order as the pictures. The captions could also be included in the EXIF or IPTC data for each picture.
Please note: For the Single Shot category it is sufficient to include a short text in .doc or .pdf to explain what’s the project about. A caption, with a maximum length of 300 characters for every picture submitted, has also to be included, indicating the correspondence between image and caption. The captions can also be included in the EXIF or IPTC data for each picture.
The material (text and captions) can be in Italian or English. If both versions are available, submit them in the same file.
The introductory text must be included in the reference field in the form.
The maximum dimension of the .zip file is 25MB, meaning it includes all pictures and the documents (.zip, .rar or 7z files and the introductory text).
Heavier archives or archives in a different format will not be uploaded by the system.
The deadline to submit your work is the 4th of May 2020 before 23:59 CEST.
We suggest, if possible, to send your work before the deadline as due to the high volume of submission on the last few days, there may be some technical problems while uploading the .zip file.
Yes, it is. The World.Report Award gives no limits in regards to how many works can be submitted by the same person. These are the options:
Please note: If a photographer would like to submit more than one reportage to the same category, it is not possible to submit it using the same form. Separated uploads must be made as well as separate payments.
Everybody can enter this category with a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 40 pictures.
Everybody who did not win one or more of the following international contests: World Press Photo, W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography, The Pulitzer Prizes, POYi Picture of the Year and World.Report Award by the 1st of April 2020.
Please note: If you have have received an honorable mention or won a Multimedia category in one of the above mentioned awards, you can still enter the Spot Light category.
To enter this category the reportage must have a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 40 pictures.
Everybody can enter this category. The reportage must have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 pictures.
This category is aimed to give the opportunity to enter the context to those photographers who did not developed wide projects, but would like to present a short reportage characterized by powerful images.
The participation is open to all photographers with no limitations of any kind. Every photographer can submit as many works as one likes, provided that every upload does not exceed 5 images.
It is possible to participate with more than 5 photos, but they have to be uploaded in a separated submission form.
The theme “Giving attention to the values, giving attention to hope” covers a wide variety of topics, allowing the author to interpret it sharing his or her own vision.
We are looking for the world’s beauty, justice and solidarity, sustainability and respect for the environment, scientific research and technological progress.
A collection of images that create a story which convey those principles that every single human being, and community consider essential for the future of the next generations. Thirty glances from thirty photographers.
In a complex and difficult situation like the one we are experiencing, we would like to find photographs that represent a source of inspiration for a better planet.
Every image will be judged individually.
The 5 shots submitted can be part of a series or they can be related to of 5 different stories.
This category is open to students currently enrolled in a school of photography or who graduated from a school of photography after January 1 st, 2019.
Reportages must consist of 20 images minimum and 40 images maximum.
In order to be considered valid, enrollment certificates or diplomas must be issued by a legally recognized school or by a course of photography that covered more than 60 hours. Workshops or courses of a shorter duration will not be considered sufficient to enter this category.
It is possible to participate in different categories with the same reportage, but the uploading has to be done separately, considering that the fee to be paid to enter the Student category is 10 euros, while the other categories have a different submission fee.
The category is open to all photographers with no limitations of any kind. (professionals, amateurs, Italian and foreign). Reportages must consist of 20 images minimum and 40 images maximum.
The category Mother Earth aims to bring attention to all the aspects of our planet.
A reflection on the environment, its variety and its fragility, and on how it represents Earth’s greatest wealth, always in a precarious balance between protection and destruction. We look for projects devoted to the problems and menaces the planet is facing, but also to the solutions and to the efforts of the humanity of every continent for the preservation of Earth.
The photographs can be taken anywhere in the world, without any temporal limitation regarding the creation of the reportage.
No, you don’t. This contest is not restricted to unpublished works.
No, there are no restrictions of any kind as regards the period of realization.
Yes, you can. You are allowed to send the same reportage to these four categories or different reportages to each of them.
Please note: in order to participate to the Student Award see questions 12, 12.1.
Yes, it can. It is allowed to submit the same reportage already submitted to the past editions.
The fee to be paid to participate in the WRA Master, Spot Light, Short Story, European Photographers sections varies according to the following:
When you fill in the submission form, the total amount will be automatically calculated taking into account the number of works and categories you’re applying for.
The winners of the Master, Spot Light, Short and Student categories will be asked to provide the official jury with the RAW files that must be sent by June 5th, 2020. In case the photographer doesn’t have the RAW files, the jury reserves the rights to ask and evaluate the JPG original files as recorded by the camera.
If the requested files will not be sent by June 5th, 2020 the jury is entitled to eliminate the reportage from the shortlist.
Yes, you can. Please keep in mind the following for the Master, Spot Light, Short Story, World Italy and Student categories: when you submit, you’ll be asked to upload the scanned version of the negatives in a JPG format, in accordance with the size given for the digital pictures.
If your reportage is selected by the jury as the winner, you must send the original negatives to the jury. If this will not happen within the terms given by the award notice (June 5th, 2020), the jury will choose a new shortlister. The jury will not take into consideration any other material other than the original negatives.
Yes, it is. In order to participate in this award, the photographer must send a file with the captions and a text containing all the necessary info as specified in the guidelines.
For this matter see question 4.
The works that will be submitted without an introductory text or without captions will not be taken into account by the jury.
No, you can’t. As specified in our guidelines, the World.Report Award is reserved exclusively to single photographers. The participation is strictly done on individual basis and excludes all works produced by collectives of photographers.
The members of the jury of the World.Report Award 2020 will be communicated shortly.
If the jury, at its own discretion, believes that some works are of high worth, it will propose, to the organization of the Festival of Ethical Photography to have them included in the official programme of the Festival 2020.
The photographer will be contacted by the staff of the Festival and will be offered the opportunity to be part of the official programme of exhibits. For this reason, the participation is highly encouraged as some works will be chosen and exhibited in the 2020 edition, enjoying an international visibility.
The photographers will be granted their awards by the 31st of December 2021.
No, you can’t. In order to prepare all the material to be submitted, you’ll need to carefully read the award guidelines. By participating in the award, you formally agree to all its rules and regulations.
These FAQs are to be intended as support only.
LINK to the guidelines: https://www.festivaldellafotografiaetica.it/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/WRA2020_Guidelines_EN_DEF.pdf
World Report Award 2020